And here are a few other links you may find interesting:
Version Notes:
September 2011: Added link to professional bio
April 2011: Miscellaneous updates, including to the autobiography page.
October 30, 2008: Mirrored all my AOL pages to:
2007 - 2008
Please see the Elonka in the News page for the latest. :)
March 2006
Added link to my Wikipedia biography, and updated book release date.
December 2005
Added section of the site for promotion of my book, The Mammoth Book of Secret Code Puzzles
November 2005
Posted pics from the NSA Crypto Symposium
April 2005
Rearranged page a bit, and added a link to my new site about Saint Raphael Kalinowski and my Uncle Emil Evancich's family tree.
January 6, 2004
I'm a Martian! My name is on a DVD which successfully landed on Mars over the weekend, with the NASA Rover "Spirit". Wow!
December 30, 2003
Added a "no credit card" free trial signup link for GemStone IV.
December 16, 2003
Added lots more info about Kryptos, including a new Kryptos FAQ. Posted a new Famous Unsolved Codes and Ciphers page. Added lots of new articles about miscellaneous accomplishments to the News page and also updated the at-a-glance page.
September 29, 2003
Posted link to the announcement about the cracking of the Cyrillic Projector Code. A timeline of who did what is here.
July 16, 2003
Slightly rearranged the header, including a reminder that I can be easily reached via AIM.
June 25, 2003
Did a major overhaul of the Press page
June 19, 2003
Added link to my latest work on the Cyrillic Projector Code
March 26, 2003
Linking to my quasi-blog (running since December 2002) at Memestreams:
January 20, 2003
Added Simutronics Timeline with dates of product openings and other major events in the company's history
December 15, 2002
Made the Kryptos link live.
Also added link to Bruce Schneier's December "Crypto-Gram" newsletter, since he mentions my steganography talk this month.
I'm getting a slashdot effect, whee! Thanks Bruce. :)
December 9, 2002
Added a (gasp!) picture of myself at the top of the page. It's from one of my vacation pics in Newfoundland during the September 2002 circumnavigation. For more info on that trip, just click on the picture.
November 27, 2002
Added a link to Andy's blog page with the solution to the (official) PhreakNIC 6 Code
November 14, 2002
Added pictures to the PhreakNIC 6 page, and posted pictures of the Newfoundland Circumnavigation Reunion that took place in Toronto last weekend.
November 7, 2002
Added mirror copies of PN6 Codes and some other stuff
November 5, 2002
Added links to the PN6 codes, rearranged page organization
October 31, 2002
Added link to my Steganography PowerPoint slides.
October 24, 2002
Work on the Newfoundland site continues. Also posted a page with Jim Payne's 2002 tour schedule.
October 2, 2002
Though not officially linked-in yet, I'm starting to get some pics up from my latest vacation, a Circumnavigation of Newfoundland. Check to see the site in progress.
September 10, 2002
Changed webcounters since my old Beseen one went out of business. Figures. Murphy's law: Your webcounter company will go belly up just as you get a link on
May 1, 2002
Added a link to the cryptography tutorial so you can get straight to there from here
November 16, 2001
Added pictures of my NYC and PN5 trips
September 11, 2001 (4 a.m.)
Added first draft of "Letters" page,
with my Emails about the trip.
Added raw batch of Cambodian Prison pictures (pretty depressing stuff about the S-21 Prison and the Cambodian Killing Fields, so view at your own risk).
August 28, 2001
Posted page with links to first batches of pictures
Elonka Dunin:
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Since September 10, 2002, the site has had this number of visitors: