(click on the links below for details about each stop
on our expedition)
February 16, 1999
Boarded the ship "Akademik Sergey Vavilov" in Ushuaia,
Argentina (Tierra del Fuego)
February 17, 1999
February 18, 1999 (late afternoon)
February 19, 1999
Attempted landing at Hannah Point, Livingston island cancelled due to 40-knot
Attempted landing at Deception Island cancelled due to 60-knot winds
February 20, 1999
February 21, 1999
Early a.m., entry into the Lemaire Channel
Zodiac ride around the icebergs of Pleneau Island
(with winds gusting up to 60 knots)
Attempted landing at Petermann Island cancelled due to bad weather
Alternate landing at the Ukrainian Vernadsky Station
February 22, 1999
Landing at Neko Harbor
Cruise through Andvord Bay, in beautiful weather
Landing at Waterboat Point, near the Chilean
Zodiac ride around/near Paradise Bay, where we watched and were watched
by humpback whales
February 23, 1999
February 24, 1999
February 25, 1999
February 26, 1999 (midnight)
Arrival in Ushuaia, and transfer back to the airport
Page last updated: March 27, 1999
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