PhreakNIC v3.0 Code Tutorial
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Credit Where Credit Is Due 

Subj:  [SE2600-P] PhreakNIC Code Lab - Roll the Credits
Date: 09/18/2000 5:50:28 PM Central Daylight Time

This is the FINAL installment of the series to dissect the PhreakNIC v3.0
code, which can be seen at

What a long strange trip it's been.  I've definitely enjoyed being your tour
guide as we navigated the twists and turns of JonnyX's brain.  But I also
have to thank some people who helped me to map out the course in the first
place.  Yes, I was the first one to crack the Code, but I couldn't have done
it without the help of several other people.

So, to my brainstorming partners: Twisted, Detriment, Bob, David, and
especially Andy.  Thanks.  :)

To the others that hacked their way through to the center and solved the Code
for themselves: JeffG, dj4aces, Antimony.  Congrats on your success.  It was
a frustrating journey, but worth it, eh?

To a few of those who wrote messages about the Code long ago in the archives:
Though I've never met most of you, I still greatly appreciate those archived
messages of yours -- time capsules that gave me hints or clues or even just
inspiration for my own assault against the Code:  Roundeye, Kintar, Physic,
Brandon, Rattle. Thank you.  :)

To WyldRaven:  Thanks for writing a great UUdecoder.  And to Peter Wayner:
Thanks for writing the book "Disappearing Cryptography" which inspired part
of this Code.  A special thanks to both of you as well for your words of
encouragement as I worked on the tutorial.  I knew you'd both enjoy seeing
how something that you worked on long ago, continues to help and inspire many
years afterwards.

And to a whole bunch of others who took the time to send me a warm fuzzy or
say "Hi!" in IRC or on AIM, or posted a supportive message to the lists, or
in some other way kept me going, either while I was working on the Code, or
during the much longer process of writing this tutorial: Antimony, Grrlbot,
James Dean, pserv, chikin, clor0x, Telehodai, Fuller, jhb, Nimrod, Conrad,
Brandon, and especially Sean the RIMBoy. Thanks, your moral support was much
appreciated. :)

And of course.  We have to thank he who created the Code in the first place
(and whose subconscious gave some of the best hints!):

The man!
  The myth!
    The dork!
      The Keanu Reeves of Nashville, our beloved Mister Insanity himself:
         Pope JonnyX!!   (danks thru)   :)

<Elonka hits the button on the "applause" machine, and the crowd goes wild!>

Thanks again to everyone,

Elonka  :)
AIM: Elonka

"I'm a gamer.  It's what I am.  It's what I do."


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