North America | Central America | South America | Caribbean |
Africa | Asia | Antarctica | Atlantic Ocean |
Near East | Indian Ocean | Pacific Ocean | Europe & Mediterranean |
This page contains a list of all of the known countries in the world,
and I have marked off those that I personally have traveled to so far.
As of May 2012, I've visited 65 to 105 countries.
Why such a wide range in counting them? Well, let me explain.
:) You see, there is a fair amount of debate as to what constitutes
a "country."
Islands are especially tough. Some islands are listed as sovereign areas, whereas some are listed as part of a larger chain.
A further monkey wrench is thrown in by the shifting borders on our world. For example, many years ago West Germany and East Germany were two entirely separate countries. I visited both of them. But now they are (thankfully) reunified. In terms of counting countries however, how does one proceed? Did I have credit for two, and now I only have credit for one? Or did I have credit for two, and if I re-visit the newly-unified Germany do I get credit for a third? Or do I automatically have credit for the third since I have already set foot upon the land that it occupies?
Yes, I know, to some of you who read this, these seem like trivial questions. But to those of us in the hobby of "country collecting," we enjoy debating the nuances, just as vehemently as a tennis player who's arguing with a referee about whether or not that ball bounced *in* or *out* of bounds. ;)
So, here in this chart, I will try to indicate a complete list, and a few ways of counting the countries upon it. The most liberal set of rules is almost always that of the Century Club. They count pretty much anything as a country, and all you have to do is be in it, even if it's just on a plane or a boat making a refueling stop, to get credit.
More restrictive, are the "Dunin Rules". By our rules (and these apply only to us, so feel free to ignore them), airports don't count, and you have to actually set foot in a country (outside of customs) to get credit for it. As for what counts as a country, we're somewhere between the U.N. and Century Club rules. We don't count Hawaii and Alaska, but if a place has its own money or its own stamps, we'll count them. So that would include places like Wales and Scotland, which, though technically part of the United Kingdom, do issue some of their own money and stamps (with a thistle or griffon on them, signifying where they came from). The Isle of Man is another one that counts, since it issues its own stamps and currency. The Galapagos Islands, however, despite their appealing remoteness, count only as Ecuador. Just as Easter Island counts only as Chile.
Lastly, the Dunin Rules *do* allow for the counting of countries which no longer exist. So in the above-cited example of the Germanies, by Century Club Rules you would have only counted one country, the current one, and it wouldn't matter that you had previously visited both West and East Germany. But by Dunin Rules you would get three countries: Two for the previous visit to both halves, plus one for re-visiting the new unified Germany. As of 2012, by Dunin Rules, I have visited 89 countries.
So, without further ado, let us attempt to classify things. I have listed countries by geographic region, along with checkmarks to indicate if they "count" by Century Club, United Nations, or Dunin Rules, plus an indication of whether or not I have visited that country by *any* ruleset. The numbers next to each major heading show my "country count" for each region.
NOTE: If you would like to copy this page for your own website,
and edit it to include your own counts on it, please feel free. I
ask only that you give credit to me and to the Traveler's
Century Club, and a link back to my site:
Table Key:
x |
yes |
26 Sep 2002 |
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received Guadeloupe passport stamp in Collectivite de Saint-Martin |
x |
| | | | | |
x |
x |
Faroe Islands | x | x |
moved from Europe list in 2003 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Srpska (New Yugoslavia - Serbia/Montenegro) | x | x | x | yes | |
x |
Trans Dniester | new in 2003 | ||||
x |
x |