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Sanborn Artwork at IRS Computing Facility

Location: Central Computing Facility, Internal Revenue Services, Martinsburg. Route 9, Kearneysville, West Virginia

Date: 1999

Materials: Granite, lodestone, copper


    Paving element: 16' x 16'
    Seating element: 10'd x 18"h
    Lodestone element: 20'd x 4'h


The function of the IRS Central Computing Facility is to compute and store the returns of U.S. taxpayers.  In response to this, the plaza ensemble consists of the following three elements:



Binary Converter, image courtesy of Francoise Yohalem Social Security Seating, 1999, I.R.S. computer facility, 10' diam, black granite - image courtesy of Francoise Yohalem  Binary Systems Plaza - image courtesy of Francoise Yohalem

Closeup of Binary Systems Plaza, image courtesy of Francoise Yohalem.  The reversed '1's are reproduced here as they appeared in the catalog


(Note from the webmistress: Astute observers may notice that the 1s in the bottom image are backwards.  Upon re-examining the source material, it was verified that the image has been reproduced correctly.  Or in other words, they're backwards in the book, too!  Since I don't know yet whether the book is in error, or whether the 1s are really backwards on the plaza, I am leaving the image as-is, until we can get a cross-check from another source.)



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