Maquette for Artery PlazaArtery Plaza



Artist: Jim Sanborn, sculptor. Jim Torti, architects. CHK Architects, architectural firm.

Date: 1985-1986

Titles: "Find the Lodestone," "Hidden under the Three Events"

Location: Artery Plaza Building, 7200 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland

Materials: Granite, lodestone, quartz, slate, sandstone

Size: 44' x 4' x 15', 30' x 7' x 6'

Additional Information: Smithsonian listings are available here for:

Description of "Hidden under the Three Events" from the Smithsonian Archive:

Sculpture consists of a triangular column made of grey granite with grey and red sandstone facing. Each face of the column presents different images, including Grecian columns in relief combined with symbols of extraterrestrial forces such as a brass shooting star, thunderbolt images, and a comet that is projected onto the sculpture.


column detail - image courtesy Francoise Yohalem  Sandstone, granite, slate, 30' x 7' x 6', 1986 - image donated by Francoise Yohalem  Artery Plaza Column - image courtesy Francoise Yohalem  Artery Column - image courtesy of Francoise Yohalem  Artery Plaza Column         Unlabeled piece in Artery Plaza Group - image courtesy of Francoise Yohalem


Artery Plaza Project: Granite, quartz, lodestone. 44' x 4' x 15'.  1985-1986, image courtesy Francoise Yohalem   Closeup of Artery compass from 'nnw' side  1985-1986: Detail: Artery - Image donated by Francoise Yohalem

Detail: Artery 1985-1986 - image courtesy Francoise Yohalem  Closeup of Artery compass from 'wnw' side

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